Room 8 in 2014.

We are a Year 2 class in Room 8 @ Bellevue School and this is our blog. We hope you follow our learning and share the things we do.
In Room 8 we ... Look - Listen - Learn!

Getting ready for Christmas!

Getting ready for Christmas!

Read our story.

The Firemen came to School. on PhotoPeach

Which is my plane?

Which is my plane?
Otto found his plane to fly from Hong Kong to England. Can you find the name of the big airport in London where he would land?

Hong Kong airport.

Hong Kong airport.
Otto had to change planes in Hong Kong. Can you find Hong Kong on Google Earth? Why was it a little hard to find his new plane?

Off to England!

Off to England!
Otto left with Mrs Seath to visit Blake and Ryan in England and Switzerland. Otto has visited the boys before. Ryan and Blake took Otto to the Olympics for Room 8 .


We read about Otto the bear having adventures. Now he has left on another one. Let's follow him.

What is an Adventure?

Somewhere you have not been before, said Isaac.

Somewhere that no-one has been to and you explore, said Johnny.

Going somewhere exciting, said Lucy.

Doing something exciting, said Howard.

Using your imagination, said Lewis.

Pretending to be someone, said Violet.

Reusing, Recycling! What did we learn?

Reuse, Recycle

School Councillors' Sports Activities

Sports Activities on PhotoPeach

What makes us healthy?

Our Marae Visit

Our Marae Visit

Whakarongo! Listen!.

Whakarongo! Listen!.

Marae. Red hat thinking. Yellow hat thinking.

What do you want to learn in Room 8?

What do you want to learn in Room 8?
What do you like?
What are you interested in?
What can you share?
Let's discover together!

Values - our 4Rs.

We have been talking about how we treat ourselves and how we treat others...

Responsible - we are responsible for our behaviour to others. Respect - we must respect the feelings of others.

Tara wrote a poem about feelings.

It is okay to get sad

Or mad or happy

It's okay to ask people if you're mad or sad

It's okay to be afraid

So don't be mad

Be so glad.

Let's get reading with our family!

Let's get reading with our family!


Drinking time!

Drinking fountains

We don't like the drinking fountains, said Blake. They are broken, said Tayla. We should clean them, said Johnny. We might get new ones, said Cayin. We can use our water bottles, said Nico. Everybody doesn't have a water bottle, said Howard.

I was wondering!

Here's what we think!

Our White hat thinking.
We have 3 fish.
There are 2 fish tanks.
1 tank is big and 1 tank is little.
There are tadpoles in the round tank.
Tadpoles come from eggs.
Tadpoles grow into frogs.
The tadpoles are tiny.
We had Green hat thinking too.
Some people think...
The tadpoles are too small.
Some people wondered...
Are they tadpoles?

Let's find out!
We looked in our books about fish.
We looked in the tanks.
We used a magnifying glass.
We think there are little fish in the round tank.
We wondered ... are they little goldfish?

What will our fish need?

Food , said Aria.

Plants, said Cayin.

Air, said Jakob. Oxygen!

Water, said Michael.

What kind of water?

Clean water, said Azarliah.

Not sea water, said Isaac.

Fish food and plants to feed our fish.

Plants and pump to give oxygen to our fish.

What helps keep our fish tank clean?

What is in the bag?

SNAILS! Snails slide along the tank and eat any bits and that keeps it clean.

Share our day.

Duathlon 2014

Our lego construction

Blake and I made an awesome lego car. I made the wheels and the body, said Carter.

To make a lego car you will need to have two wheels on both sides. You put the body on and you put the seats in. You need to put lights on, said Blake.

Awesome car

Awesome car

Coins for Cancer Kids!

Coins for Cancer Kids!
We had a Wacky Hair Day to raise money for New Zealand children with cancer. We think we are lucky because we are healthy.

Child Cancer coin trail

Child Cancer coin trail